Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I hate being stuck at the EXACT same number for days on end! Sunday and today same exact number.  I know, stop whining, it is better than gaining.  But the 30lb mark is soooooooooooooooo close.

My plan for dinner tonight is pizza made with gluten free / dairy free dough.  I picked up a frozen ball of it in Price Chopper up in Utica Saturday.  I still have some of the mozz from Todaro's and fresh tomatoes from the Farmer's Market.  I have a basil plant growing (in water, in a jar) on the kitchen windowsill so between that and the bedding plant of opal basil and green Italian basil that I purchased on the way home last night I could make a good pie...I think; not sure how the dough will turn out.  The last time I tried this I purchased a mix and whipped that up, it was gross.

I stopped at Changing Seasons gardens on Rte 205 on the way home last night to pick up potting soil, parsley (flat leaf), sage, rosemary, thyme, basil (two kinds) and tarragon so I could come home and plant my container gardens with the tomatoes and peppers I already have and after the whole day being relatively nice, albeit a little on the chilly side for June, what happens?  Yeah, there I am talking to Marianne and the heavens opened.  Seriously, it could not wait another 45 minutes or so until I could drive the 5 minutes from Marianne's to my house and then get stuff planted, nooooooooo.  So now another day goes by.  Tomorrow it will be done because tonight after I stop at Price Chopper for skim milk and bananas home I will come to plant my tiny garden.

Chunky pup has finally stopped sleeping all day and she isn't limping anymore, so if there is time, she and I will also go for a walk so I can get some activity points in!

Have a healthy, happy, and safe day.

Almost like she's behind bars...but at least there is no adventure!

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