Friday, August 3, 2012

Not as hard as I thought

I always (literally) that it was impossible to make good food choices when I was not in control of the menu. What I have learned is that I have to be in control of myself. Case in point: last evening, another work event with food.

I had the good fortune to represent the museums at an event half by one of our funders; it was a picnic and an evening show. I have not seen Music Man in years and was looking forward to that...the picnic of course terrified me. I could have easily made poor choices and turned my meal into a catastrophe, instead I paid attention, made good choices had two glasses of wine and still had points leftover!

On the buffet: fresh baby spinach with thinly sliced red peppers, thinly sliced London broil, creamy dressing, crumpled bacon, a vinaigrette based red-skinned potato salad, chopped fruit, and chocolate chip cookie bars. Could have been a disaster right?

I ate spinach leaves and red pepper strips, a few slices of London broil ( I am getting better at eyeing a serving, but always take a little less and guess high on the points), and a mountain of fruit. Of course, Army can eat anything and never gain an ounce had a little of everything. Apparently the cookie was pretty good!

Enjoy your day; remember good food choices can be made anywhere.

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